Mango Concentrate, Mango Pulp & Mango Puree
These are made from selected varieties of Mango. Fully matured Mangoes are harvested, quickly transported to our fruit processing plant, inspected and washed. Selected high quality fruits go to the controlled ripening chambers; Fully Ripened Mango fruits are then washed, blanched, pulped, deseeded, centrifuged, homogenized, concentrated when required, thermally processed and aseptically filled maintaining commercial sterility.
Aseptic : Eighteen months from the date of manufacturing when stored below 15 C. Product should be used
quickly after opening the bag.
Frozen : Twenty four months from the date of manufacturing when stored below -18°C.
Canned : Twenty four months from the date of manufacturing.
Aseptic : Stored in cool (5-15o C) and dry place, away from heat. Please do not freeze.
Frozen : Frozen products should always be stored below -18o C.
Colour : Chacteristics ripe Mango colour
Flavour : Chacteristics ripe Mango flavour, free from off flavour
Taste : Chacteristics ripe Mango taste